Gradient that fades to transparency
Gradient that fades to transparency
Gradient that fades to transparency
Gradient that fades to transparency

no, you can’t create sales & deals ​from simply posting contents.

yep, that is literally BS. sorry to say that.

but this is how you’re gonna convert

science based

ps​ychology based

da​ta based

cut the bullshit of “just be consistent”

its not just about that. its time to take full responsibility of your own business journey.

consistency - tip of the iceberg


content strategy

marketing strategy & leads


market research

the “boss” - sales psychology

“but what’s sales psychology?”

try to understand these photos.

Accountant Calculating Statistic Reports
Legal consulting services, legal negotiations, lawyers shake hands with clients after negotiating an agreement.

It is understanding the human brain, also known as the 'consumer brain,' and learning to ​speak directly to it is key, as it is the master of decision-making.

If you can tap into this and persuade it to choose your offer, you’ve won.

because you need to have “conversion” before you ​can actually call your business a “business”

Red Oval Mark

Unfair Advantage - Ash Hali & Hasan Kubba

Red Oval Mark

but how do you “actually” convert?

  • everybody will say “do market research” but no ​one tells you HOW EXACTLY.

  • everybody will say “just post consistently” but ​they don’t even get ATLEAST 20 leads everyday

  • everybody gives unsolicited advices but they ​can’t even apply it on themselves. what a joke

but no one taught you how to understand how your market ​thinks so you can easily persuade them to make a big REAL ​conversion.

think of it as a game.

the brain is the customer

yo​u are the persuader

aka the “decision maker”

how are you going to persuade it?

by mastering its thought patterns and driving it to decisively choose ​your offers

you have to push your market’s “buying buttons”

and its the perfect time for u to push their buying ​buttons and do your content marketing right in few days.

because content machine is back on its game.

it is now backed by sales psychology.

let me zoom in to its inclusions

mastering market research as if your whole ​career depends on it (because it really is ​lol)

deeply understanding the ​“consumer’s mind” and pushing ​their “buying buttons”

a content system you can ​install and replicate, ensuring ​you don't start from scratch ​every month.

negotiation techniques ​based in sales psychology to ​turn those hot and cold leads ​into paying clients and ​customers

your bonuses include all the ​marketing and sales ​psychology books I've read ​and applied.

w exclusive community included

and from its original worth of Php 79,647

we’re dropping it to its early bird price starting today.

Php 1 999 if you enroll within 24 hours

after accessing this sales page.

we will only accept 99 seats inside. wish u luck!

if you don’t start implementing today, when can you ​expect to see sales and closed client deals?

frequently asked quetions
  • what’s the difference of ​this from version 1 and 2?

version 1 and 2 is already phased out. they’re centered around ​creating content strategy, while version 3 is highly focused on sales ​psy​chology, consumer’s mind, and market research.

  • is this version free if we availed version 1 or 2?

version 1 doesn’t include this. version 2 gets extra free lessons but ​doesn’t include the paid, in-depth Version 3 (this one) unless they ​buy it

  • are these live lessons or recorded?

the entire workbook is filled with recorded lessons that take just 10 to ​20 minutes to understand, thanks to its 'anti-tambak' approach.

  • where can i pay? click the button below
  • when will access be released?

if you enroll today, you'll immediately gain official access within ​24 hour​s.

if you have further questions, kindly contact Press Socials ​on FaceBook

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